For Crime Victims
NOTICE: The Victim Assistance Section is moving and will not be accepting walk-ins starting on October 17, 2024.
Beginning October 28, 2024, The Victim Assistance Section will be located at:
Hoover State Office Building, First Floor.
1305 E. Walnut Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
For assistance, please call 1-800-373-5044 or email CRIMEVICTIMINFO@AG.IOWA.GOV
We apologize for the inconvenience.
AVISO: La Seccion de Assistencia a Victimas se esta mudando y no estara aceptando visitas sin previa cita, comenzando el 17 de Octubre 2024.
A partir del 28 de Octubre 2024, La Seccion de Asistencia a Victimas estara localizada en:
Hoover State Office Building, primer piso.
1305 E. Walnut Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
Para asistencia, favor de llamar al 1-800-3735044 o al correo electronico CRIMEVICTIMINFO@AG.IOWA.GOV
Nos disculpamos por la inconveniencia.
The Victim Assistance Section (formerly known as the Crime Victim Assistance Division) was established in 1989. It provides essential funding and survivor-centered training to support victims of violent crime in Iowa.
The Victim Assistance Section administers programs that directly benefit victims of crime, including those that assist victims with the financial burden resulting from violent crime, that assist local crime victim service programs, and that assist the criminal justice system in holding offenders responsible for the effects of their crimes. Funds for these programs come primarily from fines and penalties paid for by state and federal criminals.
Office of the Attorney General of Iowa
Victim Assistance Section
Hoover State Office Building
1305 East Walnut Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone: 515-281-5044
Toll-Free: 800-373-5044
FAX: 515-281-8199
John Gish
For 24/7 victim support, call the Iowa Victim Service Call Center at 1-800-770-1650 or text "IOWAHELP" to 20121