Victims of Crime Act Assistance Grant (VOCA) Reports
Subrecipients of Victims of Crime Act (VA) funds are responsible for completing two different reports: the annual SAR (Subgrant Annual Report) and the quarterly Subgrantee Data Report, which we refer to as the quarterly PMT report. Whoever is responsible for submitting VOCA reports must be registered in the Office of Justice Program Performance Measurement Platform (OVC PMT).
Click here for VOCA definitions.
1. Subgrant Annual Report (SAR): The SAR is required to be completed annually within 60 days of receipt of a contract with CVAD. CVAD is required to complete the first section of the SARS (Questions #1-7). The subrecipient is required to review responses to Questions #1-7 for accuracy and if changes are necessary, contact their grant manager. Subrecipients are required to complete the second section of the SAR (Questions #8-11). Here are detailed instructions to complete your SARS. Here is a worksheet to help you determine how to complete SARS if you have more than one CVAD grant.
2. VOCA Subgrantee Data Report: Subrecipients are required to complete a performance report on a quarterly basis in the federal PMT system. The table below shows the reporting periods and due dates. At a minimum, a subrecipient should review the quarterly report at the beginning of the contract period to be sure all required data is tracked. This Excel spreadsheet will assist you in tracking the required data for your quarterly VOCA Subgrantee Data Report if you do not have a database or other means to track this information.
For more information on the PMT system and VOCA quarterly reports see the following links:
Performance Measurement Tool Subgrantee User Guide
Subgrantee Data Report Frequently Asked Questions
Performance Measurement Tool PMT Frequently Asked Questions
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)
Quarterly Performance Report
Reporting Period: |
Due Date: |
October 1st – December 31st |
January 31st |
January 1st – March 31st |
April 30th |
April 1st – June 30th |
July 31st |
July 1st – September 30th |
October 31st |