Site Monitoring
Frequency of on-site monitoring
Pre-Site Monitoring
On-Site Monitoring
Site Monitoring Tools and Checklists
GVS Monitoring Instructions for Grantees
VSS monitoring update: Letter to all grant funded agencies
Site Monitoring Tools and Checklists
There are three pre-site monitoring tools:
List of documents to upload prior to a site visit
Policies and Procedures Guidance
Form A: Suitability Determination
Form B: Personnel and Volunteer File Certification
Form C: Expanded Personnel and Volunteer File Certification
Frequency of on-site monitoring
A full on-site programmatic and fiscal monitoring of an organization will be determined by the results of the financial risk assessment. Subrecipients designed as low or medium risk will receive at least one full financial and programmatic on-site monitoring visit every three years, or more often as determined by the victim assistance section. Subrecipients designated as high risk will receive at least one full financial and programmatic on-site monitoring visit every two years, or more often as determined by the victim assistance section. New organizations will receive at least one full financial and programmatic on-site monitoring visit within the last two years of the grant.
Pre-site monitoring
Each organization will complete a Pre-Site Monitoring Tool prior to victim assistance conducting an on-site monitoring visit. The pre-site monitoring tool provides an update on the organization’s financial and programmatic administration, as well as an update on funded projects. This will assist those conducting the site visit to determine what should be reviewed or focused on at the site monitoring visit.
To prepare for the site monitoring, the staff conducting the site visit will review the subrecipient's updated policies and procedures, relevant board of director information, the current grant application (goals and objectives), previous monitoring reports, program reports and claims.
On-site monitoring
Staff will interview staff, review professional services contracts, review property and equipment purchased with grant funds, review redacted client files and review financial information, including time and activity logs. Shelters will also be monitored for safety and accessibility. Staff will discuss best practices and offer assistance where needed to improve services to crime victims.
Victim assistance staff may opt to conduct a virtual site monitoring visit in lieu of an on-site monitoring visit when unforeseen circumstances require (i.e. a pandemic, low staffing levels), at their discretion. Victim assistance will notify the program and provide instructions ahead of the virtual site monitoring visit.
After the site visit, those conducting the site visits will issue an on-site monitoring report based on the on-site monitoring visit. The monitoring report will include any required corrective actions or recommendations for improvement. The monitoring report is sent to key personnel such as the executive director, board chair, police chief, sheriff or county attorney.