New Programs and Non VOCA Projects
When new organizations are funded, they will be monitored as follows:
- 100% financial documentation for the first 6 months, with discretion to extend from quarter to quarter.
- If there are issues during the first 6 months, the organization will be considered high risk for the remainder of the contract period for documentation purposes and submit required documentation based on this risk level. The financial risk assessment will be completed in year 2, or at the end of the first six months.
- A programmatic risk assessment will be conducted after the first year of the grant.
- A minimum of one in-person program technical assistance/orientation visit within the first year.
- A minimum of one on-site monitoring visit within the last two years of the grant.
Regardless of the assigned risk designation, either financial or programmatic, staff will use their professional judgment on a case-by-case basis to determine if additional supporting documentation, on-site monitoring or technical assistance is needed. This may include requesting additional documentation for a particular claim.
Non VOCA Projects
Projects that are not VOCA funded and are not required to have a risk assessment completed as determined by federal and state funding guidelines, will have an on-site monitoring visit conducted every three years.
Law Enforcement and Prosecution funded organizations provide 100% supporting documentation for all claims and therefore do not receive a financial risk assessment.