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Chapter 21 Subrecipient Monitoring

Monitoring is the process used to determine subrecipients' compliance with state and federal laws and regulations, as well as the results of the goals and objectives provided in their grant applications.  Each subrecipient is monitored for programmatic compliance and fiscal compliance.  

The Victim Assistance grant program is guided by two primary purposes: 

  1. Effective stewardship of state and federal funds and; 
  2. Quality technical assistance for program development, fiscal management and best practices.

The monitoring plan for victim assistance grants is in compliance with the Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) requirements for State Administrative Agencies (SAA) to develop and implement monitoring plans based on a default of regular desk monitoring and biennial on-site monitoring of all subawards. Monitoring also includes Victim Assistance grant staff completing financial and programmatic risk assessments. The rule, consistent with 2 CFR §200.331 (b), (d) and (e), permits SAAs to develop and implement alternative monitoring plans and further clarifies SAAs may also implement alternative monitoring time frames as well. 

The type and frequency of monitoring is based on the results of each agency’s most recent risk assessment. Additional information on the risk assessment tool used to assess both financial and programmatic risk for subrecipients, may be found in the Risk Assessment section of this chapter. 

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