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Contract/Project Period Change

CVAD will issue a contract amendment when the period of performance or the time frame for the grant award changes. In general, CVAD issues their contracts with multi-year award periods to match the multi-year competitive grant cycle. The contract budget period and period of performance; however, are always for one year, normally October to September. At the end of each budget or period of performance year, CVAD will issue an amendment to the original contract, unless it’s the last year of the award period. This amendment will change the budget period and the period of performance, update the funding amount and match and provide for any other changes to the original contract. This amendment must be signed by CVAD and the subrecipient’s authorized official before any expenditures will be reimbursed.

CVAD does not accept requests from subrecipients to extend the end date of the budget period or period of performance or award period.

CVAD will make exceptions to these procedures only in extenuating circumstances and on a case-by-case basis.

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