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Subaward Agreements

Contract period 
Signing contracts 
Termination of contracts 

Contract Period

Subrecipient subawards (contracts) are issued annually for every year of the three-year grant award period.

The majority of contracts are issued for a 12-month period beginning October 1st and ending September 30th of the following year. The subaward will include the amount of funds awarded for that year. During any multi-year award cycle, subawards are issued annually.  

Subrecipients must remain in compliance with state and federal rules and in good standing with the Victim Services Support Program (VSS) requirements and procedures to receive funding in the second and third years of the grant cycle. The amount of funding awarded to subrecipients in the second and third year of the grant cycle will be based on the availability of State and Federal funds.

Subrecipients will not be allowed to carry over or extend prior awards into the next fiscal year unless approved by Victim Assistance and allowed by the federal funder.  Any unspent funds at the end of the contract period will be returned. 

Signing Contracts

Both parties must sign the subaward (contract) before expenses can be reimbursed. 

The subrecipient's authorized official electronically signs the contract and submits it via Iowa GVS. The authorized official is the individual designated by your agency to sign contracts. The authorized official could be the executive director, board president, board chair, county supervisor, sheriff, police chief, county attorney, etc. 

To submit a signed contract via Iowa GVS, subrecipients must status change the grant from Contract Pending Grantee Signature to Contract Pending CVAD Signature. This will move the grant to Victim Assistance for signature.  

 A final copy of the executed contract will be uploaded into Iowa GVS on the Grant Agreement Signatures page. 

Termination of a Contract

[Administrative Rule 61-9.62(13)(1-3)]

Contracts may be terminated for the following reasons:

  • Termination by funded program (subrecipient). The subrecipient may terminate the contract at any time during the contract period by providing notice to the division.
  • Termination by department. The department may terminate a contract when the subrecipient or any of its subcontractors fail to comply with the funding award stipulations, standards or conditions. The department may terminate, or reduce a contract when there is a reduction of funds by executive order or otherwise.
  • Termination for cause. If the subrecipient fails to fulfill its obligations under the contract agreement properly or on time, or otherwise violates any provision of the agreement, the board may terminate the agreement by written notice to the funded program. The notice shall specify the acts or omissions relied on as cause for termination. All finished or unfinished products and services provided by the funded program shall, at the option of the department, become state property. The department shall pay the funded program fair and equitable compensation for satisfactory performance prior to receipt of notice of termination, minus any funds owing to the department, e.g., damages for breach, improperly spent funds.

The newly terminated program within 45 days of the termination, shall supply the department with a financial statement detailing all costs incurred up to the effective date of the termination. [Administrative Rule 61—9.63(13)].

Subrecipients should review the termination language in their contracts. 

Subrecipients shall indemnify, and hold harmless the State of Iowa, its officers, agents and employees and any of the state’s federal funding sources for:

  1. Program’s performance or non-performance of a contract entered into, or violation of these rules.
  2. Program’s activities with subcontractors and all other third parties, or any other act or omission by a subrecipient, its agents, officers, and employees. [Administrative Rule 61—9.64(13)]


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