Out of State Travel
All out-of-state travel must be pre-approved by Victim Assistance via Iowa GVS.
Out of State Travel: Subrecipients must submit an out of state travel request form to via Iowa GVS for out of state travel IF out of state travel is not included in the original budget; OR out of state travel is included in the original budget, but details about the travel are not provided. To request out of state travel through GVS, go to the grant application associated with the travel request and select initiate related document. Select out of state travel, then submit the completed form.
Detailed out of state travel in an approved budget means both the budget and the budget justification provide the name of the conference, training or meeting, known or estimated dates of travel, known or estimated costs for lodging, airfare, meals and registration and other costs necessary to travel.
Subrecipients must also request a budget revision if they did not include out of state travel in the original budget. Budgets with TBD or to be determined in the out of state travel category do not have to request a budget revision unless the amount originally budgeted is insufficient.
All subrecipients must use the state designated out-of-state meal rates, as summarized on the Iowa Department of Administrative Services (DAS) website. Each city has a level and a meal reimbursement amount associated with it (1, 2, 3, 4). If a city is not listed, the level 1 tier should be used.
The requirements outlined in In-State Travel must be adhered to for out-of-state travel. The only exception is the meal rate changes for out-of-state travel.