Sunshine Advisories: Open Records Index
Below is an index of the Attorney General's Sunshine Advisories related to open records laws.
Autopsy Reports
When a death occurs, the availability of an autopsy report under the Public Records Law depends primarily on the identity of the requester.
Charging for Public Records
How can governmental bodies and requesters avoid an ugly surprise when the expenses are totaled up?
The law strikes a balance between public access and the burden on government by authorizing governmental bodies to charge the requester for the costs of retrieving, copying and supervising the records.
Do you know what obligations public offices have when a citizen asks to see a public record?
Citizen Letters
What does Iowa law say about how government bodies should treat letters and e-mail messages from citizens?
Confidential Public Records
Public records often include both open and confidential information.
Most public records are available for examination and copying -- but some are confidential under law.
The phrase "confidential public records" sounds contradictory. How could a public record be confidential?
Education on Sunshine Laws
People who are appointed or elected to public office assume a big responsibility to act in accordance with Iowa laws governing open meetings and public records.
Electronic Public Records
Here are guidelines on the public's right to access information stored in a computer.
Public records are stored in many formats! Here are the principles regarding public access to public records in various forms.
The public is entitled to copy public records. But can the public access the data processing software that contains the public records?
Here are legal guidelines to assure proper public access to electronic records.
Emergency Response Plans
State and local emergency management agencies are required by Iowa law to develop disaster emergency plans.
Enjoining Production
Generally, government officials must decide whether a public record is open or confidential and then release the record if it is an "open record."
Lawful Custodians and Contact Persons
As the lawful custodian of public records, a government body is obligated to decide whether a record should be confidential or should be released for examination and copying.
Public records contacts are required by law.
Library Records
A criminal or juvenile justice agency can obtain access to library records if investigating a person suspected of committing a crime.
911 Audio Recordings
Yes - audio tapes are just a different form of public record.
Peace Officer Emails and Phone Records
Are E-Mails and Telephone Billing Records of Peace Officers in Law Enforcement Agencies Confidential
The Public Records Law allows “investigative reports” of peace officers to be confidential – but the “date, time, specific location and immediate facts and circumstances surrounding a crime or incident shall not be kept confidential,” except in limited circumstances.
Personal Information
Citizens routinely supply state agencies with personal information -- for example, when they apply for a license to drive or hunt, renew a professional license, or file a claim for unemployment compensation.
Personnel Records
Here are some guidelines for applying Iowa's Public Records Law and providing responsible access to information about government employees.
Records Retention
How long must officials keep public records?
Public officials at all levels of government in Iowa face the daily task of deciding which records they need to save and store, and which records they can toss, delete or shred.
Public officials need to facilitate access AND protect records.
Remedies and Enforcement
Yes -- the law arms the public with remedies.
Courts can remove public officials from office on the second violation of sunshine laws.
Can legal advice shield sunshine violators?
Monetary costs for violating Iowa's sunshine laws can be imposed on individual officials or can drain the budget of a governmental body.
Requesting Public Records
Iowans have a right to request copies of public records by contacting governmental bodies by letter, telephone, or electronic means.
Guidelines for citizens and officials on requests for public records.
When a person requests access to a public record, questions may arise: Does the requester have to explain a reason for the request? Does the person have to show identification to get access to the record? Do public officials have to give a reason to deny access to a record?
Resumes and Applications
Some resumes may be kept confidential -- but others may not. Iowa law provides basic principles to decide if resumes may or may not be kept confidential.
Settlement Agreements
The public is entitled to know when a government body settles litigation. In government, settlements are not secret.
Timing of Production
Public officials must furnish copies - even when the copier breaks down!
Governmental bodies that administer the Public Records Law often must make significant decisions about legal issues when responding to public records requests.
The public can drop in at government offices at any time.