Sunshine Advisories: Open Meetings Index
Below is an index of the Attorney General's Sunshine Advisories related to open meetings laws.
Advisory Bodies and Committees
If the Open Meetings Law applies, committees cannot gather to deliberate or act in private, unless there are grounds to close a session.
Government officials and members of the public alike often wonder: Is an advisory body subject to Iowa's Open Meetings Law if it has no decision-making authority?
Agendas and Advance Notice
Basic principles for advance agendas for public meetings.
A basic tenet of Iowa’s Open Meetings Law is that a governmental body must provide advance notice of the time, date and place of each meeting, plus a tentative agenda.
What if a new idea comes up in the course of discussion while the meeting is underway? How much room does the law allow for expanded discussion when a tentative agenda has been issued?
Are public officials required to mail agendas in advance of meetings? Who pays for copies and postage?
Closed Sessions
Iowa's Open Meetings Law allows governmental bodies to hold discussions in closed session, but only for purposes narrowly defined by the law.
Iowa's Open Meetings Law defines limited grounds for government bodies to hold closed sessions of government meetings.
Iowa law does not exempt a governmental body from agenda requirements for closed sessions.
Government bodies often conduct open meetings that include a closed session. Closed sessions are lawful, but just who is allowed to remain when the doors close?
It is very serious business when a governmental body goes into closed session and asks the public to leave. The body must vote to close the meeting and only can do so for certain reasons.
Here are steps government bodies must take for a meeting to be closed.
Education on Sunshine Laws
People who are appointed or elected to public office assume a big responsibility to act in accordance with Iowa laws governing open meetings and public records.
Electronic Meetings
Iowa's Open Meetings Law allows for individual electronic participation.
Iowa law requires access to meetings by telephone or fiber optics.
Emergency Meetings
What if a government body has to conduct an emergency meeting and doesn't have time for the normal 24-hour advance public notice?
Yes, sometimes - - but only if expressly authorized by statute.
Meeting after the Meeting
Are there notice requirements for subcommittees of public bodies?
Accurate minutes of public meetings are a key tool for conducting the public's business in an open and accountable fashion.
Non-Profit Gaming
The Open Meetings Law applies to "governmental" bodies as defined by statute.
Personnel Matters
Can governmental bodies close a session to discuss hiring, performance evaluations, or discipline?
Public Access to Open Meetings
Did you know that any member of the public has the right to take photographs or make tape recordings at any open session of a governmental meeting?
Quorum and Voting
When governmental bodies meet, final action on any issue always must be taken in open session.
A "quorum" is the number of members entitled to vote who must be present in order for business to be transacted legally.
Real Estate Negotiations
Public bodies subject to Iowa's Open Meetings law must fully disclose to the public how they spend public funds to purchase real estate, but, for a brief period of time, they may keep some negotiations private -- under very limited circumstances.
Remedies and Enforcement
Yes -- the law arms the public with remedies.
Courts can remove public officials from office on the second violation of sunshine laws.
Can legal advice shield sunshine violators?
Monetary costs for violating Iowa's sunshine laws can be imposed on individual officials or can drain the budget of a governmental body.
Retreats and Working Sessions
Public bodies occasionally schedule retreats or "working sessions" separate from regularly-scheduled meetings in order to discuss policy issues or examine new ideas.
Rules of Conduct
Here are some tips on how citizens and public bodies can work together to keep citizens informed about government business, and help them communicate effectively with public officials.
What is an Open Meeting?
How does Iowa law define an "open meeting?"